Cranberry Pudding

Stir a pint of cranberries into a quart of stiff batter. Boil well, and serve up with sweet sauce. Some persons make sauce by mixing butter and sugar together, but…

The Mystery of the Cyclops

The Unexplained Disappearance of the United States Naval Collier Causes a Marine Expert to Discuss the Fantastic Possibilities of Encounters Between Ships and Gigantic Octopuses

old illustration of a giant octopus wrapping around a 3-masted sailing ship.

The disappearance of the great United States naval collier Cyclops during the year 1918 has now been ranked among the famous unexplained mysteries of the sea, like the fate of the crew of the brig Marie Celeste and many another ocean tragedy.

The Cyclops, a ship of 19,000 tons, sailed from Barbados in the West Indies on March 4 last on war duty and has never been reported since. This great steel ship, with all her crew and arms and equipment, her wireless and her boats has vanished from the seas just as feeble sailing ships did in ancient times when the ocean was an uncharted wilderness.

By order of the Navy Department all available naval craft In Southern waters have been making a dragnet for the ship, but steadily the conviction grows among officials that the great modern mystery of the sea will remain unsolved.

A Fine Exhibition

The ninth annual gymnastic exhibition, given under the direction of Prof. A. K. Aldinger and associate Miss Margaret M. Bogenrief, in the gymnasium Monday evening was one of the most…

A Statuette 6500 Years Old

In his article on the “Ten Temples of Abydos" in Harper’s Magazine. Professor Flinders Petrie tells of his discovery of a statuette of ivory more than 6500 years old, and…

Ten layers of History

For the first time the whole history of one of the great national sites of Egypt has been opened before us; dating from the beginning of the kingdom and ending…

Constitution in Port

Boston, February 18. — The Constitution Frigate came up yesterday, and anchored off the Long-wharf, about 12 o’clock. She was saluted by a federal discharge from the South End artillery company, and…